Undercarriage Track Shoes – Prevent Damages

Undercarriage Track Shoes – Prevent Damages

Identifying the most suitable time for replacement of the various catenary components is important for optimum use of the undercarriage and thus minimisation of running costs. To this end each component has admissible wear limits as a function of the undercarriage class.
These limits, where observed, ensure good undercarriage performance and prevent damage to other parts and,consequently, costly general overhaul work. Even where components only need to be partially replaced, it is recommended that you have the undercarriage catenary overhauled by a specialised Mechanical Workshop which has tools A suitable for this type of work.


Take a depth gauge B. Use the table below to find the Hi (initial height) of the shoes C that corresponds to the code of your undercarriage, and note it down for use in subsequent measurements. Bearing in mind that this check should be carried out before 250 hours (three-monthly), proceed with measurement. The acceptable wear limit corresponds to 75% of the initial value Hi: therefore, when the corresponding value is reached replace the catenary shoes C; checks on other abrasion zones will still need to be carried out.
Note: The number in the code is the pitch chain